Does Your Roof Chimney Need a Cricket?
Exterior, Home Improvement, Home Inspection, Home MaintenanceWhat is a cricket?
A cricket is a double triangle structure located on a roof behind the chimney. Below is a typical cricket.
What does a cricket do?
A cricket continues the slope (and thus flow of water) of the roof down. It prevents…

Deck Joist Hangers
Exterior, Home Improvement, Home MaintenanceBuilding or Updating Your Deck?
Whether you are planning on tackling that deck project yourself or hiring someone, make certain correct construction practices are being used. You don't want to find out the hard way that substandard building…

Unprotected Doors
Exterior, Home ImprovementDoes your home have exterior doors that are unprotected? Many homes have a flat, unprotected exterior wall with a door. This is common for both front and back doors and was a particularly popular design for the front of homes built in the 1980s. The problem with this style is the exposure the exterior doors often receive. Ultraviolet rays from the sun will damage basically any surface over time, especially if that surface is not maintained correctly. The most significant (and costly) damage is usually from rain.